Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Are BMC who's who worst then Yamdut???????

Alok Tholiya,
Marigold Hall, Tholiya Bhavan, 10th Road, Next to Regency Hotel,
Near  Vakola Highway Signal, Santacruz East, Mumbai – 400 055
Tel. 9324225699 / atholiya@gmail.com

29th April 2014

The AMC , H/East, BMC, Mumbai
The EE ( B and F) , H/East, Mumbai

Reg: BMC H/ east  notice no. ACHE/353(B) /01/WEE   and ACHE/0804/AEBF DT. 21-4-14
Ref: Article “ Civic chief wants ...........”  on page 3 of TOI of today e.i. 29th April 2014
Reg:  My building : Saburi”, 107, Vakola Bridge, Santacruz East, Mumbai 400055

Dear Sir,


I read in above article that there are certain NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTS available for more accurate assessment of any old/ falling building. I wonder why I was not advised for my building and just directed to get same vacated.

My requests are :
  1. Pl. advise the type of tests recommended and best and most reliable agency which can carry out such tests.
  2. When are you arranging to carry out the work of propping up and what will be cost for same? But do not delay the work of propping up and whatever is the cost will be born by me.
  3. What you want to achieve by propping up a 72 years old falling building? Pl. explain.
  4. You have advised that I must get the building vacated. Pl. advise what are the means / ways to get the building vacated. I am sure BMC must have made suitable laws empowering landlord the shelter providers  before asking me to get the building vacated vacated. Pl. throw light on same empowerments and procedures which are quick and lawful.  I am sure you and our respected  Municipal Commissioner are not asking a innocent law abiding lay person something which is known to them to be impossible and is like bringing down a moon in thali.
  5. I am sure thru your corporators and your legal dept you must have impressed upon Govt of Maharashtra and Indian courts the dangers of rent act, dangers of not getting falling buildings pulled down before they actually come down suddenly on someone's head, I am sure as a worlds leading Municipal corporation which has one of the highest civic budget BMC must have readied plans to ensure that citizens of Mumbai are safe and living in modern inhabitable danger free buildings. Pl. give those plans , efforts made in that direction which are the basic duty of any civic body worth its name and not the one which they do as yamdut by sending to cemetery in bits and pieces the  broken human bodies after buildings fall crushing down on them who paid life time municipal taxes to die like a donkey.
  6. Thru above article I see that M.C. is  visiting falling buildings in city. Pl. also advise what purpose it made by visiting old buildings. Don’t u think as a guardian of this city the commissioner and mayor must rather sit down and plan to revamp, rebuild the falleing city by forgetting own  interests and give new birth to buildings where tax paying citizens are living in condition of hell or even worst and then we call Mumbai a proud metro of India which gives highest revenue to govt .

Hope you will do the needful.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours

Alok Tholiya

CC to Advocate/s
others concerned citizens and authorities

Encl: news paper cutting as above

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